Are you Over-Dependent on Psychics?
Are you Addicted to Tarot Telephone Lines?
Do any of the following apply to you?
• You feel totally overwhelmed with what is going on in your life and repeatedly seek psychic help to gain ‘clarity’ over your situation.
• You go to psychics with the same problem over and over, but feel unable to change the situation you’re in.
• You feel guilty about the amount of money you spend on psychic readings, or find yourself in debt because of them.
• You tell yourself that you need to stop this behaviour but then cave in for ‘just one more reading’.
• You jump from psychic to psychic to ‘verify’ the information you have been given by previous psychics.
• You feel that the worst part of your situation is the ‘not knowing’ what’s going to happen.
If any of these apply to you and you now want to lessen your dependence on psychics, then I have something important to tell you:
Right now is the best time to begin to transform your mind-set, release the anxiety and learn to craft your ideal future, by yourself and for yourself.